Monday, May 31, 2010

Facebook returns!

After about two weeks, Lahore High Court has lifted ban on Facebook. Internet service providers will get directive from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and PTA from Ministry of IT & Telecom. It is expected that Facebook will be accessible by today evening.

Court warns that ban can be imposed if facebook will publish blasphemous content again. Government officials said that they got confirmations from facebook owners that they will not be accused of any activity that can hurt Muslims sentiments.

Bangladesh also banned facebook yesterday. Officials said that ban longs until they block the related links.

Remember, facebook and many other social networking websites promoted content against Muslims.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blasphemy: Why Facebook is Culprit and How Best to React?

We have witnessed internet users in Muslim world adopting different strategies in reaction to “Draw Mohammad” (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa-aal-hi-Wasallam). Millions of Muslims are protesting against the intents of a community on Facebook that is planning to conduct a contest for Prophet Mohammad’s Drawings.

Background of Draw Day

To discuss it further, it is necessary to understand how and why this Draw Day came into existence.

The Idea to make funny cartoons of Prophet Mohammed [PBUH] came from a Seattle Cartoonist Molly Norris who thought of this campaign in reaction to Comedy Central’s decision to censor an episode of South Park with depictions of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].

South Park was threatened by Muslims if it showcased Prophet Mohammad’s depictions.

Supporters of Draw Mohammad day say that the campaign is in reaction to killing threats by Muslims; however, they ignore the fact that Muslims’ threats were actually the reaction of South Part depictions. If Draw Mohammad Day supports want to react on reactions, then this chain is not going to stop anytime soon.

Later, on 27th April after a wave of anger from Muslims around the world, she decided to withdraw this activity justifying that she didn’t intend to hurt or disgrace some particular religion.

As always there is a third party to take advantage of a situation so here as well. A page was created on Facebook to continue the similar activity. Owner identity is unknown. The page created even more response than the original activity since page owners put completely disgracing sketches on it.

Supposedly and apparently, admins of this page, allegedly the jewish, created hundreds of groups and pages in order to help removing that page. This advertised the page even in thousand more way in result.

Freedom of Speech and Mohammad’s Depictions

Many argue over this fact that depicting Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] is their basic human right, given to masses by the law of many countries. But, this freedom of speech comes with limitations – Wikipedia Notes:

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws.

There are exceptions to these general protection, including the Miller test for obscenity, child pornography laws, speech that incites imminent danger, and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising.

Within these limited areas, other limitations on free speech balance rights to free speech and other rights, such as protection from imminent or potential violence against particular persons (restrictions on fighting words), or the use of untruths to harm others (slander). Distinctions are often made between speech and other acts which may have symbolic significance.

Now for those who are depicting Prophet Mohammad [PBUH], they clearly know that this will create hatred, mass violence and worst possible impact on Muslims’ feelings.

How Muslims are Reacting?

•Some go to said Fan page and they abuse the owners and non-Muslims there
•Some go to Fan page in question and argues on different topics giving their logics to prove the Fan Page unnecessary and indecent
•Some users are creating their Fan-Pages either opposing the fan page in question or otherwise for Prophet Mohammad praise (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa-aal-hi-Wasallam)
•There are people who are ignoring the situation but are feeling really bad in their hearts, and are unable to do anything
•There are people who are just not only ignoring all the happenings but they are not even concerned about the outcomes
•There are people who are sad over the incident but accepting it as they can’t do anything
Facebook’s Role in Promoting Draw Day [Allegations]

Facebook, allegedly, is supporting the Draw Day, and here are our arguments:

•Facebook is governed under its Terms of Services. Item 3.7 of Facebook TOS says “You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence”
•“Draw Mohammad Day” was reported by at least 35,000 Facebook users, however, page is still live – giving the page a direct support (while it is spreading hatred – a violation of Facebook TOS)
•During the campaign, Facebook is banning pages created by Muslims against Jews. In this one example, Facebook banned a Page with-in 20 minutes of its reporting by jews
The people from all over the world have reported the page but even after thousands of reports, Facebook hasn’t removed the page, giving its indirect support for the cause.

For instance one may think that it may be Facebook itself! And why not, while controversy will result in clicks, impressions, visits to this page making them earn more as well as the creation of hundreds of other new pages and groups with lot more activity as an investment for future.

Facebook is bone of contention: Because its only the Facebook that could create such an impact. With power, there was responsibility on Facebook, which it never met.

If Facebook had banned the Draw Mohammad page, in early days – none of this could have happened.

What will happen on Draw Day?

On the 20th, people will post pictures on Blogger, LiveJournal,,, TypePad, Flickr, Picasa, imgur, yfrog, twitpic, and of course, on their own blogs and in videos on Youtube and elsewhere. But again, Facebook is the root cause.

Why Draw Day is Worst than Previous Blasphemous Acts?

This instance of blasphemy is not like what it had happened before in Sweden and Norway. We know that there are websites that spreads blasphemous content across the web.

But, in this instance, Web Giant Facebook is part of the game, and while Facebook has roots to each corner of the world, you can calculate the scale of blasphemy on May 20th, 2010.

What Best we can do?

Unity, under one leader!

Large scale ridicule on May 20th will ignite worldwide riots and unrest. Even worst, anti-Islam elements now have found a way to tease Muslims.

As initial response: Pakistan government has reacted and banned said Fan Page (only one URL), under Pakistan Penal Code, article 295 and 298 that is related to blasphemy law.

Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom decides on what to ban and not to, based on the rules of the land.

It merits mentioning here that MoIT has already banned around 8 million pages on internet (As per Jang News) that has any in-appropriate content and which comes under blasphemy.

On 20th, MoIT will ban as much URLs as possible.

But, let’s go bigger – governments and Media from Muslim countries must unite at this time.

This war can’t be won on roads and battlefields; instead a strategic media campaign is needed to make the western world realize that they are acting in uncivilized manner. It is them who are creating unrest and doing extremist activities.

To Boycott or Not to Boycott

There are opinions for and against boycotting the Facebook. There are people who think boycotting the Facebook is a form of protest, while others think they will stay on Facebook and will fight on the platform.

ProPakistani’s Stance

We are Boycotting the Facebook on May 20th, 2010 and we will abandon all our activities on Facebook ever after.

Note: This blog was posted on on 19th May, 2010.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dreams & Desires-- The Guiding Light To Pursue

We only live one life. There are no do-overs. If we let time slip by without pursuing our desires, then we may miss our true calling in life. How does one start to pursue their desires? I want to share some thoughts today related to this.

1. Unleash your dreams.
Stop holding back on thinking about the desire that is deep in your heart. It may have been there for a long time or it could be brand new. It may be a quiet little whisper telling you to start your own business or it may be a roaring lion urging you to go back to school. However your dream speaks to you right now, stop and listen. Give it a chance. There are seasons in our lives for everything. Your desires may be telling you of a new season ready to spring forth in your life if you are willing to listen to it. Don’t squelch your desires without even giving them a chance to blossom!

2. Stop thinking so small.
The desires of our heart usually seem big to us. They challenge and stretch our thinking. This is what is meant by being outside our comfort zone. Dreams and desires often make us uncomfortable. They are a little scary, but we have to stop thinking small. Let your dream expand. Unpack your desires and let them grow on paper and in your mind. Start getting some ideas out and let them simmer for awhile. Discuss your dream with a trusted friend. It is amazing how something as simple as this often becomes the first step toward realizing progress toward a suppressed desire.

3. Don’t be afraid to fail.
Why are we so afraid of failure? if we let it fear will rob us of our greatest potential in life. It will stunt our growth. Don’t let it. Put failure away. Dorothea Brande tells us to, “Act as if it were impossible to fail.” in her book titled “Wake Up and Live”. What would you do today if you knew without a doubt that it was impossible to fail? It is a compelling question, isn’t it? Fear is often hard to overcome. However, the killer part is that we have so much more to lose by not trying at all. The consequences of a setback in our efforts is usually minimal compared to total inaction. Fear is all in our mind. We cannot let it rob us of our dreams! Starting acting as if you cannot fail.

4. Believe that dreams will pay the bills.
This is a specific fear that I think is very common. Most of us believe that we cannot make a living at our dream. However, there are a ton of people that have. In fact, we usually make more money by doing something we love. Of course, you have to pursue things in a thoughtful way. If you are supporting your family, please don’t quit your job to pursue your dream without an alternate source of income. However, it is possible to start taking action today to begin changing your course in life. It is possible. In fact, you need to keep telling yourself that it is possible until you start believing it. A few years from now, you will wonder why it took you so long to start working in the area of your passion.
5. Help others get what they want.
Helping others bring their dreams into reality is a great way to jumpstart your own desires. I believe that the more you give in life, the more you get. Pour yourself out in serving others. Structure your dream in such a way that it helps other people and then really go the extra mile in serving them. You may need to start working toward your dream as if it were a hobby. The best way to do this is to let your passion shine.

6. Don’t give up.
We often expect too much too soon. We are like fireworks, we shoot up with a dazzling bright sparkle, make a nice pop at the top, and then fizzle and fall. Slow and steady wins the race. Pace yourself. Don’t burnout and give up. This is the biggest danger to our success. Keep trucking even when you don’t feel like it. It is okay to take a break, but don’t quit. It is when you most feel like quitting that your biggest success is waiting just around the corner!

Follow your guiding light to live the life of your dreams!
The dreams and desires you have in life are there for a reason. They are your guiding light. They want to lead you to the life you most desire. Your job is to follow them. Put your heart and reputation on the line. Nothing in life is achieved without risk. Don’t be foolhardy, but don’t wait another minute to start pursuing what you most desire. Start taking the simplest steps and see where that leads you. You will be amazed at how fast your dream builds up momentum. Follow Nike’s slogan and “Just Do It!”